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Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Career and Technical Education (CTE) now offers a diverse range of subjects and career fields, including a number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. In addition, the distinction between CTE and academic programs is slowly disintegrating as integrating academic content into CTE has become a national education priority. CTE has become an indispensable lever for improving students’ college and career readiness. CTE plays a powerful role in preventing students from dropping out and provides a variety of opportunities for postsecondary success and employment, including pathways to a bachelor’s degree. CTE also can help all students achieve the objectives of the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards (KCCRS) through authentic, applied learning experiences. In short, CTE is a crucial change agent for the success of improving outcomes for all students.

Students can begin work in the pathways with two courses offered in middle school and continue their work in the 17 pathways offered at Derby High School. The goal is for students to complete a pathway in an effort to provide them preparation for college and careers after high school. Each of the Pathways have Articulation Agreements, which allows students to earn college credit for courses completed at DHS, provided the student attends the college that offered the credit.

KSDE Career Technical Education Resources

CTE Logo

The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 was designed to improve and expand services for students enrolled in CTE programs. 

CTE reports can be found on the Kansas State Department of Education's Data Central website:

CTE Reports

Take a look at the Kansas Career Clusters and the 17 CTE Pathways that are offered at Derby Public Schools!

Kansas Career Clusters and Derby Public Schools CTE Pathways (PDF) 

Various Pathways

Contact Information

Kelly Kitterman, Instructional Coordinator,  1550 E. Walnut Grove Rd., Derby, KS 67037. Phone: (316) 788-8460; Email: